Before the marvels of modern medicine, people still had aches and pains and illnesses that they needed to treat. Instead of reaching for the ibuprofen, people often had to resort to home remedies. While the healing properties of things like ground rhino horn and numerous plants and herbs have been thoroughly debunked by scientific trials, there are a few home remedies that actually work. Here are some old-fashioned treatments you can try at home. Thanks, Grandma!
For Allergies: Honey
A spoonful of sugar in the form of local honey can help seasonal allergy sufferers acclimate to the local pollen, which helps to ease allergy symptoms.

For Bee Stings: Baking Soda
After removing the stinger, mix some baking soda and water into a thick paste and plaster it generously on the sting site. Toothpaste may also have soothing properties.
For Dry, Itchy Skin: Oatmeal
Oatmeal facials, oatmeal shampoo for pets, oatmeal baths for babies: If there’s dry, itchy skin somewhere, oatmeal is the hero you’ve been looking for. It soothes eczema, diaper rash, poison ivy rash, and sunburn too!
For Headaches: Ice Pack
An ice pack on your throat, over the carotid arteries, and on the forehead and temples can significantly soothe a headache — even a migraine.
For Mosquito Bites: Herbs, Oils, and Garlic
Many herbs and plants have varying success rates when it comes to keeping the ’squitos away. Rubbing fresh lemongrass, lemon eucalyptus oil, or garlic directly on your skin often keeps the little biters off. You can also eat plenty of garlic in your diet or regularly ingest apple cider vinegar to build up the ingredients in your body until your sweat and body odor contain traces of these foods, which mosquitoes are effectively repelled by. (Just know you might repel people, too!)
Bonus tip: Mashed garlic applied directly to your skin can provide relief from itchy bites.

For Insomnia: Lavender, Mint, and Chamomile
Lavender sachets and eye masks can help relieve stress, making it easier to fall asleep. Mint has similar effects and can also be used as a relaxant. Mint and chamomile teas are widely used to help de-stress before bed.
For Nausea: Ginger
Did you get a special treat of ginger ale as a child when your tummy was upset? Mom knew that ginger has properties that settle your stomach and ease nausea. The carbonation helps, too, so ginger ale is a win-win all around! (Drinking ginger tea or just eating a small bite of fresh ginger can also do the trick.)

The information in this article is not intended to replace the care and advice of your doctor. Use caution when using any homeopathic or naturalistic home remedies. Pregnant women, children, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems should consult their doctors before trying any of the home remedies listed here.